Section: New Results

Towards Data-Centric Networking

Participants : Rao Naveed Bin Rais, Chadi Barakat, Walid Dabbous, Damien Saucez, Jonathan Detchart, Mohamed Ali Kaafar, Amir Krifa, Ferdaouss Mattoussi, Vincent Roca, Thierry Turletti.

  • Disruption Tolerant Networking

    We designed an efficient message delivery framework, called MeDeHa, which enables communication in an internet connecting heterogeneous networks that is prone to disruptions in connectivity[24] . MeDeHa is complementary to the IRTF's Bundle Architecture: besides its ability to store messages for unavailable destinations, MeDeHa can bridge the connectivity gap between infrastructure-based and multi-hop infrastructure-less networks. It benefits from network heterogeneity (e.g., nodes supporting more than one network and nodes having diverse resources) to improve message delivery. For example, in IEEE 802.11 networks, participating nodes may use both infrastructure- and ad-hoc modes to deliver data to otherwise unavailable destinations. It also employs opportunistic routing to support nodes with episodic connectivity. One of MeDeHa's key features is that any MeDeHa node can relay data to any destination and can act as a gateway to make two networks inter-operate or to connect to the backbone network. The network is able to store data destined to temporarily unavailable nodes till the time of their expiry. This time period depends upon current storage availability as well as quality-of-service needs (e.g., delivery delay bounds) imposed by the application. We showcase MeDeHa's ability to operate in environments consisting of a diverse set of interconnected networks and evaluate its performance through extensive simulations using a variety of scenarios with realistic synthetic and real mobility traces. Our results show significant improvement in average delivery ratio and a significant decrease in average delivery delay in the face of episodic connectivity. We also demonstrate that MeDeHa supports different levels of quality-of-service through traffic differentiation and message prioritization.

    Then, we have extended the MeDeHa framework to support multihop mobile ad-hoc networks (or MANETs). Integrating MANETs to infrastructure-based networks (wired or wireless) allows network coverage to be extended to regions where infrastructure deployment is sparse or nonexistent as well as a way to cope with intermittent connectivity. Indeed, to date there are no comprehensive solutions that integrate MANETs to infrastructure-based networks. We have proposed a message delivery framework that is able to bridge together infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks. Through extensive simulations, we have demonstrated the benefits of the extended MeDeHa architecture especially in terms of the extended coverage it provides as well as its ability to cope with arbitrarily long-lived connectivity disruptions. Another important contribution of this work is to deploy and evaluate our message delivery framework on a real network testbed as well as conduct experiments in "hybrid" scenarios running partly on simulation and partly on real nodes [32] .

    Finally, we have proposed a naming scheme for heterogeneous networks composed of infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks where nodes may be subject to intermittent connectivity. The proposed scheme, called Henna, aims at decoupling object identification from location and is designed to operate with status-quo Internet routing. We evaluated the proposed naming scheme using the ns-3 network simulator and demonstrated that nodes were able to receive messages in both infrastructure-based and infrastructure-less networks despite frequent disconnections and changing location identifiers (i.e., IP address), while visiting different networks [31] .

    Another important contribution of this work is to deploy and evaluate our message delivery framework on a real network testbed as well as conduct experiments in “hybrid” scenarios running partly on simulation and partly on real nodes. This was demonstrated at the ACM Sigcomm conference in Toronto on August 2011 [74] .

    These different works are the result of collaborations with Katia Obraczka and Marc Mendonca from University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) in the context of the COMMUNITY Associated Team, see URL http://inrg.cse.ucsc.edu/community/ .

    Another activity in the same domain relates to efficient scheduling and drop policies in DTNs. We remind that Delay Tolerant Networks are wireless networks where disconnections may occur frequently. In order to achieve data delivery in such challenging environments, researchers have proposed the use of store-carry-and-forward protocols: there, a node may store a message in its buffer and carry it along for long periods of time, until an appropriate forwarding opportunity arises. Multiple message replicas are often propagated to increase delivery probability. This combination of long-term storage and replication imposes a high storage and bandwidth overhead. Thus, efficient scheduling and drop policies are necessary to: (i) decide on the order by which messages should be replicated when contact durations are limited, and (ii) which messages should be discarded when nodes' buffers operate close to their capacity.

    We worked on an optimal scheduling and drop policy that can optimize different performance metrics, such as the average delivery rate and the average delivery delay. First, we derived an optimal policy using global knowledge about the network, then we introduced a distributed algorithm that collects statistics about network history and uses appropriate estimators for the global knowledge required by the optimal policy, in practice. At the end, we are able to associate to each message inside the network a utility value that can be calculated locally, and that allows to compare it to other messages upon scheduling and buffer congestion. Our solution called HBSD (History Based Scheduling and Drop) integrates methods to reduce the overhead of the history-collection plane and to adapt to network conditions. The first version of HBSD and the theory behind have been published in 2008. A recent paper [27] provides an extension to a heterogenous mobility scenario in addition to refinements to the history collection algorithm. An implementation is proposed for the DTN2 architecture as an external router and experiments have been carried out by both real trace driven simulations and experiments over the SCORPION testbed at the University of California Santa Cruz. We refer to the web page of HBSD for more details http://planete.inria.fr/HBSD_DTN2/ .

    HBSD in its current version is for point-to-point communications. Another interesting schema is to consider one-to-many communications, where requesters for content express their interests to the network, which looks for the content on their behalf and delivers it back to them. We are working on this extension within a new framework called MobiTrade, which provides a utility driven trading system for efficient content dissemination on top of a disruption tolerant network. While simple tit-for-tat (TFT) mechanisms can force nodes to give one to get one, dealing with the inherent tendency of peers to take much but give back little, they can quickly lead to deadlocks when some (or most) of interesting content must be somehow fetched across the network. To resolve this, MobiTrade proposes a trading mechanism that allows a node (merchant) to buy, store, and carry content for other nodes (its clients) so that it can later trade it for content it is personally interested in. To exploit this extra degree of freedom, MobiTrade nodes continuously profile the type of content requested and the collaboration level of encountered devices. An appropriate utility function is then used to collect an optimal inventory that maximizes the expected value of stored content for future encounters, matched to the observed mobility patterns, interest patterns, and collaboration levels of encountered nodes. Using ns-3 simulations based on synthetic and real mobility traces, we show that MobiTrade achieves up to 2 times higher query success rates compared to other content dissemination schemes. Furthermore, we show that MobiTrade successfully isolates selfish devices. For further details on MobiTrade, we refer to [41] and to the web page of the project  (http://planete.inria.fr/MobiTrade/ ) where the code can be downloaded for both the ns-3 simulator and Android devices.


  • Naming and Routing in Content Centric Networks


    Content distribution prevails in todays Internet and content oriented networking proposes to access data directly by their content name instead of their location, changing so the way routing must be conceived. We worked a routing mechanism that faces the new challenge of interconnecting content-oriented networks. Our solution relies on a naming resolution infrastructure that provides the binding between the content name and the content networks that can provide it. Content-oriented messages are sent encaspulated in IP packets between the content-oriented networks. In order to allow scalability and policy management, as well as traffic popularity independence, binding requests are always transmitted to the content owner. The content owner can then dynamically learn the caches in the network and adapt its binding to leverage the cache use.

    The work done so far is related to routing between content-oriented networks. We are starting an activity on how to provide routing inside a content network. To that aim, we are investigating on the one hand probabilistic routing and, on the other hand, deterministic routing and possible extension to Bellman-Ford techniques. In addition to routing, we are investigating the problem of congestion in content-oriented networks. Indeed, in this new paradigm, congestion must be controlled on a per-hop basis, as opposed to the end-to-end congestion control that prevails today. We think that we can combine routing and congestion control to optimize resource consumption. Finally, we are studying the implications of using CCN from an economical perspective. This activity was started in October 2011 by Damien Saucez.


  • Application-Level Forward Error Correction Codes (AL-FEC) and their Applications to Broadcast/Multicast Systems


    With the advent of broadcast/multicast systems (e.g., DVB-H/SH), large scale content broadcasting is becoming a key technology. This type of data distribution scheme largely relies on the use of Application Level Forward Error Correction codes (AL-FEC), not only to recover from erasures but also to improve the content broadcasting scheme itself (e.g., with FLUTE/ALC).

    Our recent activities, in the context of the PhD of F. Mattoussi, included the design, analysis and improvement of GLDPC-Staircase codes, a "Generalized" extension to LDPC-Staircase codes. We have shown in particular that these codes: (1) offer small rate capabilities, i.e. can produce a large number of repair symbols 'on-the-fly', when needed; (2) feature high erasure recovery capabilities, close to that of ideal codes. Therefore they offer a nice opportunity to extend the field of application of existing LDPC-Staircase codes, while keeping backward compatibility (LDPC-Staircase "codewords" can be decoded with a GPLDPC-Staircase codec).

    Our LDPC-Staircase codes, that offer a good balance in terms of performance, have been included as the primary AL-FEC solution for ISDB-Tmm (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting, Terrestrial Mobile Multimedia), a Japanese standard for digital television (DTV) and digital radio. This is the first adoption of these codes in an international standard.

    This success has been made possible, on the one hand, by major efforts in terms of standardization within IETF: the RFC 5170 (2008) defines the codes and their use in FLUTE/ALC, a protocol stack for massively scalable and reliable content delivery services, an active Internet-Draft published last year describes the use of these AL-FEC codes in FECFRAME, a framework for robust real-time streaming applications, and a recent Internet-Draft [66] defines the GOE (Generalized Object Encoding) extension of LDPC-Staircase codes for UEP (Unequal Erasure Protection) and file bundle protection services.

    This success has also been made possible, on the other hand, by our efforts in terms of design and evaluation of two efficient software codecs of LDPC-Staircase codes. One of them is distributed in open-source, as part of our OpenFEC project (http://openfec.org), a unique initiative that aims at promoting open and free AL-FEC solutions. The second one, a highly optimized version with improved decoding speed and reduced memory requirements, will be commercialized in 2012 through an industrial partner. This codec proves that LDPC-Staircase codes can offer erasure recovery performances close to ideal codes in many circumstances while keeping decoding speeds over 1Gbps.

    The fact that LDPC-Staircase codes have been preferred to a major AL-FEC competitor for the ISDB-Tmm standard, is the recognition of their intrinsic qualities and of an appropriate balance between several technical and non technical criteria.


  • Unequal Erasure Protection (UEP) and File bundle protection through the GOE (Generalized Object Encoding) scheme


    This activity has been initiated with the PostDoc work of Rodrigue IMAD. It focuses on Unequal Erasure Protection capabilities (UEP) (when a subset of an object has more importance than the remaing) and file bundle protection capabilities (e.g. when one want to globally protect a large set of small objects).

    After an in-depth understanding of the well-known PET (Priority Encoding Technique) scheme, and the UOD for RaptorQ (Universal Object Delivery) initiative of Qualcomm, which is a realization of the PET approach, we have designed the GOE FEC Scheme (Generalized Object Encoding) alternative. The idea, simple, is to decouple the FEC protection from the natural object boundaries, and to apply an independant FEC encoding to each "generalized object". The main difficulty is to find an appropriate signaling solution to synchronize the sender and receiver on the exact way FEC encoding is applied. In [65] we show this is feasible, while keeping a backward compatibility with receivers that do not support GOE FEC schemes. Two well known AL-FEC schemes have also been extended to support this new approach, with very minimal modifications, namely Reed-Solomon and LDPC-Staircase codes [66] , [65] .

    During this work, we compared the GOE and UOD/PET schemes, both from an analytical point of view (we use an N-truncated negative binomial distribution to that purpose) and from an experimental, simulation based, point of view [67] . We have shown that the GOE approach, by the flexibility it offers, its simplicity, its backward compatibility and its good recovery capabilities (under finite of infinite length conditions), outperforms UOD/PET for practical realizations of UEP/file bundle protection systems. See also http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/81/slides/rmt-2.pdf .


  • Application-Level Forward Error Correction Codes (AL-FEC) and their Applications to Robust Streaming Systems


    AL-FEC codes are known to be useful to protect time-constrained flows. The goal of the IETF FECFRAME working group is to design a generic framework to enable various kinds of AL-FEC schemes to be integrated within RTP/UDP (or similar) data flows. Our contributions in the IETF context are three fold. First of all, we have contributed to the design and standardization of the FECFRAME framework, now published as a Standards Track RFC [68] .

    Secondly, we have proposed the use of Reed-Solomon codes (with and without RTP encapsulation of repair packets) and LDPC-Staircase codes within the FECFRAME framework: [59] [60] [61] .

    Finally, in parallel, we have started an implementation of the FECFRAME framework in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the system. Previous results showed the benefits of LDPC-Staircase codes when dealing with high bit-rate real-time flows.

    A second type of activity, in the context of robust streaming systems, consisted in the analysis of the Tetrys approach, in [29] . Tetrys is a promising technique that features high reliability while being independent from RTT, and performs better than traditional block FEC techniques in a wide range of operational conditions.


  • A new File Delivery Application for Broadcast/Multicast Systems


    FLUTE has long been the one and only official file delivery application on top of the ALC reliable multicast transport protocol. However FLUTE has several limitations (essentially because the object meta-data are transmitted independently of the objects themselves, in spite of their inter-dependency), features an intrinsic complexity, and is only available for ALC.

    Therefore, we started the design of FCAST, a simple, lightweight file transfer application, that works both on top of both ALC and NORM. This work is carried out as part of the IETF RMT Working Group, in collaboration with B. Adamson (NRL). This document has passed WG Last Call and is currently considered by IESG[56] , [57] , [58] .


  • Security of the Broadcast/Multicast Systems


    We believe that sooner or later, broadcasting systems will require security services. This is all the more true as heterogeneous broadcasting technologies will be used, for instance hybrid satellite-based and terrestrial networks, some of them being by nature open, as wireless networks (e.g., wimax, wifi). Therefore, one of the key security services is the authentication of the packet origin, and the packet integrity check. A key point is the ability for the terminal to perform these checks easily (the terminal often has limited processing and energy capabilities), while being tolerant to packet losses.

    The TESLA (Timed Efficient Stream Loss-tolerant Authentication) scheme fulfills these requirements. We are therefore standardizing the use of TESLA in the context of the ALC and NORM reliable multicast transport protocols, within the IETF MSEC working group. This document has been published as RFC 5776.

    In parallel, we have specified the use of simple authentication and integrity schemes (i.e., group MAC and digital signatures) in the context of the ALC and NORM protocols in [62] , [63] , [64] . This activity is also carried out within the IETF RMT working group.


  • High Performance Security Gateways for High Assurance Environments


    This work focuses on very high performance security gateways, compatible with 10Gbps or higher IPsec tunneling throughput, while offering a high assurance thanks in particular to a clear red/black flow separation. In this context we have studied last year the feasibility of high-bandwidth, secure communications on generic machines equipped with the latest CPUs and General-Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GPGPU).

    The work carried out in 2011 has consisted in setting up and evaluating the high performance platform. This platform heavily relies on the Click modular TCP/IP protocol stack implementation, which turned out to be a key enabler both in terms of specialization of the stack and parallel processing. Our activities also consisted in analyzing the PMTU discovery aspect since it is a critical factor in achieving high bandwidths. To that goal we have designed a new approach for qualifying ICMP blackholes in the Internet, since PMTUD heavily relies on ICMP.